Friday, June 15, 2012

Pet Castles

I'm sure most of you know about these, but there are some new items in Coral Canyon's Epic Wonders! :D

Also, you may have noticed that there is more music on my blog. These are some of my favorite songs, and I hope you enjoy them!

As a side note, I was on AJ today, and I've been in the habit of clicking the change color thing. So I clicked it, and this popped up:

It reminded me of the harsh reality that I am no longer a member. *sigh* oh well. ;) Sorry, I'm just still in self-pity mode. haha xD

Thanks for reading!



Hey guys! Thanks for reading my blog today! Please be honest with your comments. I won't know how to make my blog better if nobody says how I could improve it. :) I love to hear how great my blog is, but if you DON'T like it, tell me so i can know WHY. :)
Thanks so much!

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