Monday, October 8, 2012

What are Clans on Animal Jam?? Answer! :D

 Hey guys! Here's a really weird random conversation that happened to me. Some lion just randomly appeared in my den. Here's how it went:
Weird, right?

But anywho, I was asked what exactly ARE Clans on Animal Jam.
Good question! I wondered that for a loooong time until I read...

Erin Hunter's Warriors series

 That's what all (or at least, most) Animal Jam Clans are based off of. 
Here's how it works.

Someone randomly decides they want to start a Clan on AJ.
He or she goes to Jamaa Township, and promulgates (a fancy word for "declares" or "makes known") their Clan.
Here are some of the names I've seen people call Clans on AJ:
and, obviously,
There are a lot more, too. :3 
People that want to join go to their den or Serepia - wherever the person decided to meet.
The Clan leader will accept you into the Clan, give you a warrior name, and viola! You are a member of a Clan! :D 
Clans on Animal Jam are mostly wolves, although some people "pretend" that they are cats. They keep the name Clan, however, even if they ARE wolves. It's just less confusing that way. :) well, actually MORE confusing, but in a different way. ;P

I know what you're thinking now:
"Yes, yes, but what do you DO in a Clan?" 

Another GOOD question! >:D

Clans often "hunt"
 Defend their "territory"

And (most often, sadly...) fight.

Of course, no one was fighting in any of the servers when I needed a pic... but I'm sure you can imagine. Sometimes the battles can get kinda ugly...

There are, of course, a lot of other things you can do in a Clan. I can't post EVERYTHING there is to know about Clans. :3 

But I hope this helps!

Thanks for reading!


  1. fighting is the funnest part of clans

    PS. im in shadow clan and serepia is shadow clan territory not thunder clan!

    1. Hahaha, sorry. I was just doing that for the picture. :3

  2. My LEAST favourite part of clans is the battles i like hunting a training and that sort of thing :D

  3. Thanks, that did help! If someone said for instance "Sun Wolf Pack in my den" would people come, or would they not recognize it as a clan? Or if someone said for instance "Star Lion Pride in Appondale" or "Rainstorm Fox Skulk in Sarepia Forest" or "Jewel Horse Herd in Mt. Shiveer" would that amount to anything? I think I'll try that out. Go to ScaryBats's den to join Frost Fox Skulk! (lol)
    PS. ScaryBats is a member account someone gave Kinyonga and myself, just so you know.

    1. You could try it! :D It would just depend on who was on at the time and if they wanted to go along with it. It's worth a shot, though! :)
      p.s. WOW!! SOmeone GAVE you a member account!?! LUCKY DUCKY!! :D :D That's AWESOME!!

  4. I used to be in a ninja fox clan (it lasted like 3 weeks, and we met EVERYDAY we had uniforms, and we had special clan parties) Our first fight was so wack, their was cussin', and one of the members "family's" showed up, and joined in. Our "territory" was the canyons pathway, and the blue ninja got banned for 3 days for cussing! He was my buddy for quite a while, and I wouldn't expect that from him. It was after that the clan started to drift apart... We weren't like most clans, but I think that's why we lasted so long...

    1. Lol that sounds like an interesting Clan! Plenty of action! :) The only bad part is the cussing... I HATE it when people do that. It ruins a good time! :(

    2. Ikr? Like seriously, no jk XD It's really annyoing...

  5. Is that a legendary you're wearing?????

  6. hey duchess i was wondering if you have a clan if you do i want to join im Oak (a rouge)my user is Stick1234 and im 10 so ya please comment back!:)

  7. Clans are alot more then just Hunting and Fighting..

    BTW I'm making a blog about interviewing Clan ppl on AJ. Heres the Link--> Mah usernaem on Aj ish : XxDreamzXx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This really helped. I've never really understood clans... but now I do! Thank you soooo much. :-*

  9. Is this a suggestion to read Warrior Cats? XD

  10. Sadly all of this out of date. Clans don't fight anymore because they are a bunch of dummies. They always say it's a virtual world and walk away.

  11. DO they now? When I was on AJ, I was an apprentice hunting solo in Serapia, until these cruel wolves walked over (LightningClan) and practically fought me to the death -.- So that was the last time I joined a Clan. Plus, you can't keep track of Clans anyway.

  12. TheOrginalTombstone who is a leader of a Windclan told that he would try to do the same as Madjaster since he locked his den. I heard and saw him mostly in Amur and in Serpia Forest. His deputy is Lividcoofee and his camp is great enough. I think he only take an server instead than trying to take a populated server like Tigirs or Aldan.

  13. Omg! I love clans so much (: I'm the leader of a thunderclan (: my clan name is Ashstar I have 4 kits (ik a lot lol) 2 of them are full grown warriors :D (Icestrike & Vineclaw) and 2 knew kits lol (: (Skykit & Dawnkit) My deput is Suntail (really great deputy) and my apprentice is Snowpaw :D my most trusted people in my clan are... Icestrike, Vineclaw, SunTail, Brightsong (my mother on aj) SwiftClaw (warrior) & BlueJay (med cat) (: lol ik you prob. Didn't wanna hear all this ;) but I love your blog and felt like getting all this outta my sistem :p
    My user on aj is: whamps (: (feel free 2 add me :p)

  14. Omg! I love clans so much (: I'm the leader of a thunderclan (: my clan name is Ashstar I have 4 kits (ik a lot lol) 2 of them are full grown warriors :D (Icestrike & Vineclaw) and 2 knew kits lol (: (Skykit & Dawnkit) My deput is Suntail (really great deputy) and my apprentice is Snowpaw :D my most trusted people in my clan are... Icestrike, Vineclaw, SunTail, Brightsong (my mother on aj) SwiftClaw (warrior) & BlueJay (med cat) (: lol ik you prob. Didn't wanna hear all this ;) but I love your blog and felt like getting all this outta my sistem :p
    My user on aj is: whamps (: (feel free 2 add me :p)


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