Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

Election  Day 
Today, Americans have an important decision to make. Today, we are deciding who we want to lead this great country for the next four years. 

 Do we want four more years of Barrack Obama?

  • In 2008, Obama promised to cut the national deficit in half. He didn't. It is now 16 trillion dollars.
  • Obama promised to reduce unemployment. The unemployment rate is now 8%. That's 12.3 million people that don't have a job.
  • Obama criticized small-business owners by saying quote, "If you have a business, you didn't build that. Someone else made that happen." Really?! 
  •  President Obama said in 2008: “If you don’t have any fresh ideas, then you use stale tactics to scare voters. If you don’t have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from. You make a big election about small things.” Sounds nice and pretty, right?
  • He promised to lower taxes on the middle class people. Instead, he raised them.

  • Under Mitt Romney's leadership, the state of Massachusetts was able to cut taxes 19 times.
  • Massachusetts's schools are the leading schools in the nation because of Mitt Romney.
  • Mitt Romney does not support the killing of innocent human babies - otherwise known as abortion.
  • Mitt Romney knows how to create jobs - something Americans DESPERATELY need!!
  • Mitt Romney is a hard-working, honest, Christian man who loves the Lord.

Yes, Obama. It's time for some REAL change. A change in the presidency, that is! We CANNOT afford four more years of Barrack Obama's frivolous spending. If he gets elected again, our future as Americans won't be as bright as it once was. The American Dream won't be such a glittering star in the firmament of the world. 
Let's make our voices heard. Support Mitt Romney for president!! Tell your parents you want MITT ROMNEY to be the next president of the United States! 

Please realize this - WE ARE NOT RACIST!! But Barrack Obama simply isn't working. We need a NEW president.
Sorry if this offended anyone... It wasn't meant to.

Thanks for reading!

p.s. You may have noticed that this same thing was on Sasha's blog. We wrote it together, so we both used it. I'm not copying her, and she's not copying me. :)


  1. Interesting... Well, personally, I think either would be ok, but I'm not even American, am I? I think Mitten, oops, I mean Mitt, would be a good president, but I also think Obama was good. He was more aware of the rest of the world, if you ask me. But I don't really know about these things anyway :b
    PS. I know I did the same comment on Sasha's blog, but as it's the same post...

  2. AUGH! If I were voting I could NEVER decide!

  3. My political views will remain a secret, but I must say one thing. Obama doesn't SUPPORT abortian, he would like to allow it, if a girl had become pregnant through rape (excuse my language)should she have to raise a child? I don't think abortian is right at all, but saying obama supported it is a bit off. Also Mitt Romney isn't a christian he's a morman, not that religion should matter in a political campaign. I am truly sorry, and just because I fact checked a little does not mean I am leaning towards a side, nor would I tell ANYONE who (if I could) I was voting for ;3 That remains a secret

  4. Mitt Romney all the way sista XD

    1. Ik... He should have though... Idc who the Republican is next year, i'm already routing for them XD

    2. Meeee tooo!! :D

    3. Unless it's my dad... Oh-no... JK XD


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