Friday, November 23, 2012

Animal Jam Puma

Loook!! A puma sighting! I blurred out the username so she wouldn't get tons of pointless buddy requests. .-.
Now, before I go further, full credit for knowing about these goes to Kinyonga and Peppywolf. If they hadn't told me, Clueless Amelia here would have had no idea there was such thing XD
Anywho, back to business. ;)
How on earth do you GET a puma? Well, here's the answer! :D
 (Full credit to PEPPYWOLF)
You buy the Big Cats wristbands from the AJ shop or whatever. They come with a code which you then use to creat a PUMA! :D Voila! A non member land animal that isn't a wolf, a seal, a tiger, or a bunny! XDD
once the code has been used, it can't be used again. So nobody had better go around asking people for unused codes. GOSH is that annoying... -.-
Hope this was helpful! :D
Thanks for reading!


  1. I think the pumas would be good for clans - because instead of being a wolf and pretending to be a cat you could be a puma and pretend to be a cat. Because they do look a lot like cats. Well, of course they ARE cats, but you know what I mean! ;)

  2. Meep! I think those pumas are cool! :D


  3. Like sis said, they'd be good for clans... peppywolf has 70 COMMENTS?!!?!?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!


  4. I know I commented on a couple of blogs regarding the puma/leopard animal I just have a question does the code for the animal come with the wristbands or does it come separetely?
    - Master Fieryclaw

    1. I'm pretty sure it comes in the mail along with your wristbands...

  5. Me needs to win the giveaway!!!
    Otherwise I'll turn off the day,
    And make in night,
    so there's no light,
    for anyone,
    apart from the sun,
    and this doesn't make sense,
    so I'm going to dispense,
    with this rubbish comment,
    of abominment!


  6. I found that its a snow leopard (from AJS blog there's a post on it)

  7. Turns out it's a snow leapord! ^3^

    1. @Both Schiebe and Peppy
      :O No way! Thanks for telling me!!

  8. Duchess, I sent SleepySasha an author request, but she didn't see it, so I commented on her blog saying so, but I don't think she saw that comment either... it's ok if she doesn't want to be an author but I'd like to know if she just hasn't seen it but DOES want to be. Can you tell her please? Thanks!

  9. First comment :) thx for clarifying >:7D -foreversaramo1926

  10. Your blog is fantastic!But anyways, yea. I've seen many snowleopards through out Jamma now, and one of them i asked, said "You get it from the wristbands."So she said if you don't see the code, look on the back of the lable that holds the package, and she said there might be some sort of code on that or something.So yea, it could possibly be the wristbands! ^D^

  11. Wow o3o Non-mems can get it?! EPIC O3O
    -Misty G. Royal

    1. Ikr!?!? :D I don't think immunna get one though... XD
      No problem!! :D

  12. No there are some Snow Leopard Gift Cards at Target.


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